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Johny Jonny Yes Papa! | Nursery Rhymes for Kids | Funtastic Playhouse

Duration: 02:04Views: 53.9KLikes: 8Date Created: Oct, 2021

Channel: FUNTASTIC Playhouse

Category: Education

Tags: kids songschildrens nursery rhymesjohny johny yes papa eating sugar no papafuntastic johny johny yes papajony jony yes papajohny johny yes papafuntastic playhousejony jony kids songs yes papajony jony kids songnew jonhy johnyjony jony yes papa poemjohny johnyfantastic playhousejony jonynursery rhymes for kids in englishsongs for kidsjony jony yes babanursery rhymesfuntastic playhouse johny johny yes papa

Description: Watch Our Most Popular Videos Here: goo.gl/C16B23 SUBSCRIBE: goo.gl/p7aUaJ Johnny Johnny Yes Papa | Nursery Rhymes | Fall Songs | Funtastic Playhouse Johny loves candy and sweets and lies to his dad about it! NEW Johny Johny Yes Papa song all about our favorite fall food and why you shouldn't lie to your parents! Lets sing and dance along! Watch Our Best Videos Here! goo.gl/cKdagg Watch Our Newest Videos Here! goo.gl/8b9jf4 Watch Nursery Rhymes & Songs Here! goo.gl/vF5KKj

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